For your business to succeed, you must play each role:
1. The Entrepreneur: a future-focused visionary who pursues opportunities
2. The Manager: a past-focused worrier who plans and organizes
3. The Technician: a present-focused worker who concentrates on the task at hand
Solo developers (also technical startup founders) spend too much time in their Technician role. But you need all 3 for your business to succeed.
For your business to succeed, you must play each role:
1. The Entrepreneur: a future-focused visionary who pursues opportunities
2. The Manager: a past-focused worrier who plans and organizes
3. The Technician: a present-focused worker who concentrates on the task at hand
Solo developers (also technical startup founders) spend too much time in their Technician role. But you need all 3 for your business to succeed.