That is the different between a "manager" and a leader / entrepreneur. Most CEOs are at best half decent managers.
It is funny, the person with the idea of reduced margins, invest to innovate and compete would never have risen to the top of the organisation. For all sort of political reasons and shareholder values. I think this is the number one reason why startup matures to enterprise and fade over a long period of time. Without the vision from founders that make these bold strategic decisions.
That is the different between a "manager" and a leader / entrepreneur. Most CEOs are at best half decent managers.
It is funny, the person with the idea of reduced margins, invest to innovate and compete would never have risen to the top of the organisation. For all sort of political reasons and shareholder values. I think this is the number one reason why startup matures to enterprise and fade over a long period of time. Without the vision from founders that make these bold strategic decisions.