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No, you made a claim about "how humans function" over "millions of years of evolution". I guess you're abandoning that claim now? If so, maybe do it honestly.

No not at all. My comment was a reply to your argument:

> One of the things that distinguishes humans as a species is how extremely social, how extremely cooperative we are

Where I point out that what you are saying is not true in general. But it is true within a group (say a company) and not between groups (say between companies and OSS maintainers). Groups that corporate well within the group have an evolutionary advantage fighting other groups.

However I am not sure what the point is you are trying to make? My original point is that corporations/people don't throw $ at OSS maintainers for the work they do and expect them to maintain it for $0. That's a clear objective fact. So either treat your OSS project as a business and get paid to do your work or accept that outcome and stop complaining.

Again, you made a claim about the evolved nature of humanity. It seems like you can't back it up. Bluster all you want, but if you can't come up with actual citations, I think we're done here.

There are a huge number of references online. Just Google “in group out group social evolution”. Or simply go to Wikipedia for a quick summary:


Now I think we are done here.

> I guess you're abandoning that claim now? If so, maybe do it honestly.

This is unnecessarily aggressive. Also, it’s not fun reading a thread dominated by one or more people who are combative.

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