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Thanks so much :) No promises on timing, but sure, I'll do my best to write something up.

And thanks for commenting as well; I'm honestly really relieved that this apparently didn't come off as too critical, I was somewhat worried about that. It's a weird situation where your post is one of the better ones about Log4j2 that I have seen today, and there's stuff there that I really appreciated you writing and articulating, particularly around your hesitation to make things that companies would start relying on. But it was also the only one that got up to the top of HN that I saw when I logged in, and... I kind of went back and forth whether it was right to complain about a broader trend underneath it, given that the actual substance of your article really isn't falling into the trap I was complaining about.

Anyway, just reiterating that you wrote a good article and a good take, and it's not even that the title is egregious or worth a rant in isolation, it's fine. It was just the Nth title over X months that I've seen about Open Source funding that happened to be phrased as the Open Source problem, directly after I finished reading a different article that was suggesting that Open Source devs all need to learn how to set up their own LLCs and invoicing departments.

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