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Right … open source doesn’t guarantee an absence of problems, only that, in the worst case, a user can repair a problem herself. As you note, that’s strictly preferable to closed source, where a problem with a dependency is not guaranteed to be fixable by the user. Isn’t that enough?

That is not sufficient no. As a user, I want to be able to support developers so they have the time to fix things that go wrong. That the log4j Maintainers are entirely unpaid for maintaining what amounts to the bedrock of the java ecosystem is a tragedy and that people continue to argue that this is how it should be are simply exploiting what amounts to slave labor.

> As a user, I want to be able to support developers so they have the time to fix things that go wrong.

As an individual user, you shouldn't be required to. It's not how or why the project started, anyway. Maybe big companies whose system depend on log4j could fund it, yes.

> what amounts to slave labor

That kind of hyperbole doesn't help the discussion. The situation is nothing at all like slave labor.

You have zero clue about what slave labour is.

I have plenty of clues of what slave labor is and big companies exploiting the hard work of people working for free without paying them is definitely pretty damn close.

This is reddit tier derangedness, any one of the millions of people living under real slavery, where you get lined up to a wall and shot if you refuse to work would gladly switch places with anyone living under what you dream up to be "slavery".

Agreed, calling this slavery is a level of hyperbole that doesn't help the debate at all.

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