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Here's what arguments like this fail to understand: I don't care if you get paid.

I don't expect anyone to work for free. If you stop creating because you're not getting paid, too bad for me I guess. But I don't owe you attention because you did something either. There are two sides to this remember.

If what you do is worth charging people for it, charge people. If charging people would make you go broke, how valuable is what you're doing, really?

If your revenue model is "let some scum track my users and sell their data" you weren't taking your revenue seriously to begin with, you need a better business model than "they'll put up with it because they like me."

Sponsorships. Patronage. Merch. Exclusive content. These are viable revenue models, you get what your work is worth. If you can't pay the bills with these, nobody really wants your content anyway and they're probably just passing the time because it's free.

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