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I think this is missing one of the most important points. Even if Manifest v3 was able to provide everything content blockers need today, it would still be bad. Why? Because blocking ads and tracking is a never ending race and content blockers are continuously adding new mechanisms to detect and block ads/trackers.

Manifest v3 declarative APIs are a snapshot of what is good enough today (although not quiet yet…), but will very soon be out-dated. Manifest v2, given the huge flexibility provided by its APIs, is a much better platform for innovation and adaptation in this regard.

With manifest v2, browsers are a platform and allow extensions developers to innovate and build powerful new features (some of which were not imagined before, and sometimes end up being implemented by browsers later on). It’s good for users and it’s good for browser vendors. With manifest v3, Google decides that that the status quo today is good enough, forever, and we do not need new things in the future (or at least not unless they decide to implement them in Chrome themselves).

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