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thank you.

it's a well written article and you got me agreeing with what you are saying. it's surprising to read comments here that start with "open source is not broken" but proceed to repeat everything you wrote in the article...

The title of the article is "Open Source is broken" and its subtitle is "Why I Don't Write Useful Software Unless You Pay Me"

And I disagree with both of these statements. Open source is not broken and I'll continue to write useful software, even if you don't pay me, because it's fun.

The actual problem is concisely present in the article:

> There is this culture of taking from open source without giving anything back.

The problem is not with open source, but with how capitalistic systems interface with open source - the same way the interface with any public good. It's the capitalist culture that's broken; the capitalist culture of rent extraction and of short-term profit optimization.

You hit the nail on the head.

So maybe change your headline?

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