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Do you use only full screen browser windows? I got the feeling that TST doesn't play nice with narrower windows as it requires a lot of horizontal space. I've got 10 browser windows on 5 different desktops now (8 Firefox, 1 Vivaldi, 1 Chrome). Only 3 of them are full screen, one per browser. The window I'm currently typing it is wide about 2/3 of the screen and it's probably twice as wide as it should be to read HN (the lines are too long to read comfortably.) My screen is 15.6", 16:9.

I've gotten used to the full screen (or width) windows. Mostly it's because of certain work web UIs that need as much width as possible.

I agree with your statement that wide text is difficult to read. In Emacs I use Olivetti mode to narrow my text windows, I should probably do something similar for hackernews or other sites that would benefit from narrower windows.

In Firefox, there's reader mode too, which makes things much easier to see.

Thanks for the hint to Olivetti mode. I usually either split the frame horizontally (C-x 3) to look at multiple buffers side to side or narrow the window. Long lines are bad for programming too.

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