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You can save some vertical space by moving the window buttons (minimise/close) into the same row as the omnibox, while also hiding the window title bar like https://imgur.com/a/YbgVgwF

Oh that's slick. Was that all through the customize screen, or was any of it via CSS?

Edited to add:

I had to add the following to move the system UI buttons to the same "bar" as the rest of the UI in Firefox:

    /* Adding empty space for buttons */
    #nav-bar {

    /* For dragging whole window by mouse*/
    #titlebar {
      appearance: none !important;
      height: 7px;

      Fix for main menu calling by Alt button
    /* #titlebar > #toolbar-menubar {
      margin-top: 10px;
    } */

    /* Move minimize/restore/close buttons to empty space */
    #TabsToolbar > .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
      display: block;
      position: absolute;
      top: 17px;
      right: 1px;
From: https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab/wiki/Code-snippets-fo...

I adapted a theme I think but I can't find the name now. Here is my userchrome https://pastebin.com/8FLgyX1y

The title bar can be hidden through the customise screen. The gaps on the toolbar by the omnibox are important as they give you something to drag the window by.

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