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A bad lawyer will never help you get to the point, because a bad lawyer needs to milk you as they have little to no referral business.

I got a semi-serious traffic ticket in Colorado in 2014, but I lived in California. I forgot about the ticket, and remembered a couple years later. I wanted to clear up the situation, but navigating the court system from a different state was challenging. I decided hiring an attorney local to the area would be easier than traveling to Colorado.

I called maybe 6 to 8 attorneys, and they fell into three categories: too expensive, too inexperienced, or just right.

Too expensive sounded like “we’ll need a $2000 retainer to even look at your case.”

Too inexperienced sounded like “I just graduated from law school, and I’ll give you a super good rate for the experience of working on your case.”

Just right sounded like “I know the district attorney who is overseeing your case. Their name is $NAME, and here’s exactly how I’m going to handle your case… <time passes> …I might be able to handle this for $500, but it could cost maybe double that if it’s more work than expected.”

I got the matter resolved for between 1X and 2X the minimum estimate, and was happy with the results.

What did you use to look them up?

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