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This is the equivalent of a doctor saying "if you think you have cancer, don't blindly listen to the internet and consult a doctor and I say that as a licensed medical professional".

This isn't someone trying to rope someone into a racket for their own gain, it's "Our laws and legal system are a clusterfuck that varies wildly from region to region. Get a free (or at least cheap) consult instead of taking a risk trying to navigate this yourself".

There is no situation in which it is worthwhile to take the risk to try and navigate that clusterfuck yourself. Spend the 50USD or so and the hour of your time it'll cost at most to get a consult and go from there. At best you can get something out of this whole interaction but at worst if you don't consult a lawyer you can end up without the domain, without any money from selling the domain, and saddled with legal fees defending a lawsuit against you.

Except that it isn't cancer. It's a headache. And sure, WebMD will tell you to call a doctor in case your headache is a blood clot. But most people just take aspirin.

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