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profiles are my number one reason for using chrome as well.

i need them because of my bookmarks. i have close to 6000 bookmarks. 20 years and counting of curated and tagged web links. chrome syncs them across all my devices. i have to do the import gymnastics once in a while for edge and safari. but that's it.

why are bookmarks still browser-specific and not a OS-level feature? why do we need all that import/export gymnastic?

bookmarks are links to web sites, apps, or pages. they should have never been browser-specific. i want to be able to access them from all my devices. they should have been like my photos, or my music collection. and yet, they are not...

To Microsoft's credit in the pre-Edge days they represented bookmarks as a system shortcut which live in a regular folder.

because 75% of them are probably dead links now ;-)

but all the major browsers have sync. you can export them from chrome and import them into brave

and btw if you use a lot of bookmarks (i do too) you might love this graphical bookmark manager YASD - you can browse bookmarks as thumbnail images of the site -- much easier to browse them for the link you want):


> because 75% of them are probably dead links now ;-)

i know that pain far too well :)

i created a custom chrome extension that opens a random bookmark in a new tab to check the link. this helps me fix dead links but it is a very slow process. sometimes i go over them manually and remove a bunch.

thanks for the link.

export the bookmarks and use a script to quickly filter 404 responses and even maybe "this domain for sale" pages

the results can then be re-imported into the browser

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