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Exactly. Licensed attorney's typically avoid any commentary at all that could be construed as advice, to avoid creating a relationship. So if someone is sticking their neck out, it is hard to imagine there isn't an ulterior motive in telling everyone to lawyer up when they get a letter.

Not that their advice is wrong - you should consult a lawyer over internet advice. But the "everyone else is wrong, listen to me" flavor is a bit heavy-handed.

I'm being heavy-handed here because 20 years ago, before I was a lawyer, I was sued, failed to hire counsel in time, and unnecessarily lost my shirt as a result. I don't want the same thing to happen to OP.

Legal questions come up on HN from time to time and the usual response is a bunch of wannabe lawyers incorrecting one another, and if OP follows any of their advice, Bad Things could result. I spoke up early this time in what was perhaps a foolish attempt to short-circuit this.

No competent attorney is going to give legal advice here -- money aside -- because they would be violating their professional ethics code by doing so. Giving legal advice requires knowing facts at a very detailed level (the degree to which is rarely found in the post), knowing the laws in the jurisdiction(s), and having relationships and experience. Not to mention attorney-client confidentiality, and other reasons.

Thanks for being a voice of reason.

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