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I play an ideal move in a solved position, and you play a less-than-ideal move in response, I have already gained an advantage.

That assumes the less-than-ideal move stays within your preparation. If, on the other hand, you dismissed that move during preparation because of its sub optimal evaluation then I have succeeded in getting you out of prep and into a middle game with a small disadvantage but potentially a lot of play. If I can then steer the game down a very sharp line then your small advantage means a lot less due to the dynamics of the position.

Your response doesn’t apply to truly solved positions.

It does. There are plenty of truly solved positions that very, very few humans, if any, can play optimally.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endgame_tablebase#Applications and https://tb7.chessok.com/articles/Top8DTM_eng have some examples.

Certainly, no human player knows how to play all of these.

You talked about the opening but now you’re linking to endgame tablebases? Not at all comparable.

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