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If I listen to only non-RIAA signed bands on Spotify (which I do), how exactly am I supporting major record labels?

The implication seems to be that the major labels get some fixed percentage of Spotify's revenues. I have no idea if this is true or not.

They do indeed: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-07-14/spotify-wins-over-m...

In addition to the percentage cut, they're also shareholders.

Yes, the labels get minimums and breakage if they are not reached.

Besides, non-RIAA acts often use RIAA companies for catalog management, publishing and/or distribution. Even Radiohead was distributed by Sony.

Looks like I'm ditching Spotify at the end of this month

If you're in the US, Rhapsody pay artists better rates.

An interesting graph illustrating how much an artist has to sell through various platforms (CD, spotify, itunes etc.): http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/2010/how-much-do-music...

Isn't this the same thing as the Microsoft issue, where they were getting paid for every PC shipped, whether or not it had Windows on it? MS got in trouble with the monopoly police for that...

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