Looking for a Django dev with front end experience and a good intuition for UX. You should be comfortable with Django, jQuery, CSS, HTML and all that good stuff.
We are a marketing service for businesses utilizing QR codes and smartphones.
Ideally we'd like a passionate individual who is genuinely interested in our project. The possibility for full-time employment exists, but if that's not your thing, no worries, we won't pressure you into it. We really want a consistant/reliable/enthusiastic person that we can continuously throw work at.
Contact me at mel [at] coupedout [dot] com.
Please include sample work, github username, a resume, and your usual rate.
Looking for a Django dev with front end experience and a good intuition for UX. You should be comfortable with Django, jQuery, CSS, HTML and all that good stuff.
We are a marketing service for businesses utilizing QR codes and smartphones.
Ideally we'd like a passionate individual who is genuinely interested in our project. The possibility for full-time employment exists, but if that's not your thing, no worries, we won't pressure you into it. We really want a consistant/reliable/enthusiastic person that we can continuously throw work at.
Contact me at mel [at] coupedout [dot] com.
Please include sample work, github username, a resume, and your usual rate.