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I disagree with the author; most developers' attitudes toward state machines are poisoned not by academic experience but by experience with other developers' half-assed state machines. Back in '93 or so I used state machines extensively for protocol handling within HACMP's cluster manager. It worked very well, but there were still complaints which all came down to the broken-up control flow that state machines introduce:

* The code can be harder to understand, even for those accustomed to the model, because of the need to maintain context manually across states and events. Let's face it: having your variables on the stack is awfully convenient, even if there are good reasons not to do things that way.

* Speaking of stacks, the #1 complaint I used to get was that with the FSM stack traces would only go back to the FSM engine with no history of previous transitions. This is why IMO any decent FSM implementation must keep some history itself.

* A related issue is that static code analysis can't follow through the transition table to recognize the actual flows of control. A good FSM-based program must therefore include stub programs (which can be automatically generated) which will invoke actions in expected sequences so that code checkers can find invalid references, leaks, missing unlocks, and son on.

I like FSMs and think they should be used more. Nonetheless, if you gave me a state machine with ad hoc context management, no history and no reasonable way to generate test stubs, I'd barf too. If more people implemented good state machines, more people would recognize their benefits.

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