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> dog is a command-line DNS client, like dig. It has colourful output, understands normal command-line argument syntax, supports the DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS protocols, and can emit JSON.

I especially like that last part.

You can also convert dig output to JSON with jc. (Iā€™m the author)

$ jc dig example.com | jq -r '.[].answer[].data'


dog is great. You can build a static Rust binary leveraging rustls with:

  cargo build --release --verbose --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --no-default-features --features=with_idna,with_tls,with_https,with_rustls

  alias dog "dog --edns=show --https --nameserver https://mozilla.cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query"

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