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Did you try consulting some government authorities, about your case specifically?

$24K is a lot of money for most small businesses (or family side gigs), and most people can't afford to out-lawyer a huge company. Fortunately, one of the ideal roles of government is to protect the small from the large.

Were it me, since I'm in the US, but don't know which government authority would be most appropriate or effective, I'd probably first try my state AG's office. I'd ask if they're interested in this, and could look into it, or if they could suggest what other authority to ask.

If you ran out of topical government authorities, I suppose you could then contact your Congressperson's office, which could be a wildcard hero.

(The fashion is to Tweet one's way to customer service, but I still believe that government institutions can work.)

I guess this is my version of tweeting into the void hoping that someone helps me figure out what to do :).

It is a lot of money.

It's funny because I am from and live in Seattle; and post of the local political will currently is against Amazon, but I don't know if that would work in my favor. I actually tried to contact the AG before and got a "we'll get back to you" and didn't hear anything. I didn't follow up because I didn't know if helping in a situation like this was part of their wheelhouse. I guess I'll pose the question to them again alongside the more general question of whether it's relevant to their office or not. Thank you!

I wonder what would happen if you went to Amazon's lobby and chained yourself to something solid? Would at least get some press. The only way to get these sorts of things fixed now is to have a large megaphone.

Don't tempt me.

They are constantly trying to hire me as a SDE. I'm this close to taking it so I can get inside and start raising hell about this.

State Attorneys Genral love this kind of stuff rather than a city level prosecutor. Much more clout at the state level, and it's a great way to get their names in the news on their way to governor.

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