Not locked up. My wife, and most of our friends are either RNs, MDs, PAs, etc.
We've had COVID. Now my wife is dealing directly with people who are dealing with adverse reactions to the vaccines they took (many of them nurses and doctors themselves experiencing neurological symptoms continuing for months and months at a time, and not allowed to speak about it for fear of losing their licensure).
I only ask because it seems unreasonable to me to fear a virus that only meaningfully impacts .3% to .5% of your population. So, why not answer? Why are you afraid of the unvaccinated?
This is utter conspiracy bullshit. Neither would anyone lose their license about reporting side effects nor are those in any way so prevalent that your wife would be dealing with multiple amounts of them nor are they in any way close to as severe as the effects of COVID and long COVID.
You're lying and the fact that you seriously think any sane person would believe this is both hilarious and sad as it's a very beautiful example of this covidioten movement we have to deal with.
You broke the site guidelines egregiously in this thread and crossed well over the line where we would ban an account. Not only that but you have a long history of doing this.
Not only that but it looks like we've had to ban you in the past. All this is seriously not cool, regardless of how right you are or feel you are.
I'm not going to ban you right now because it doesn't look like you've been doing it recently, but please review the rules and stick to them from now on, because if you keep doing it, we're going to end up having to.
You also broke the site guidelines egregiously. We ban accounts that do this sort of flamewar on HN, especially when it's the tit-for-tat nasty sort of flamewar like this.
It also looks like you've been using HN primarily for ideological battle and that's also a line where we ban accounts. Please review the rules and stick to them from now on:
Fair enough. How do you/HN define "ideological battle" so I can have some frame of reference? I'm largely reporting on things I'm either seeing, experiencing, or that friends and family are seeing or experiencing. Often, it is in response to some ridiculous (in my opinion) mass-hysteria from other posters. I feel it's imperative to show experiences other than the 'common' one. I'm also curious why you would be willing to provide ammunition in these so-called "ideological battles" by banning accounts? By all means, this is your house, so your rules...ban if you must.