Adding on: some HNers are strawmanning, claiming HCA is mocking random poor innocent covid deceased, when the rule specifically says (emphasis mine):
> "Nominees have made public declaration of their anti-mask, anti-vax, or Covid-hoax views, followed by admission to hospital for Covid"
Much of the point of the Herman Cain Award is that the award winners were mocking others for wearing masks, getting vaccinated, and socially distancing.
These anti-mask/anti-vax people have been absolutely prolific in physically assaulting (up to and including murdering) retail staff. Harassing and assaulting flight attendants, with record numbers of . Harassing school committee members and public health officials, such that meetings have had to go virtual or have police presence.
...and here we are clutching pearls because the stuff they posted publicly on social media is being reposted? And occasionally people are figuring out who they are and harassing the families?
It's worth noting that HCA posts regularly include follow-up social media posts by family members or friends expressing anger at the deceased's friends who continue espouse anti-mask/vax views, or who express regret, or encourage people to mask and vaccinate...and that from reading the sub for months, I often see a lot of comments from people empathizing with the family members and friends of the deceased.
These were individual actors but you blame people as a group. You can justify that all you want, but it will never be anything other than a distraction of your own personal failures.
> "Nominees have made public declaration of their anti-mask, anti-vax, or Covid-hoax views, followed by admission to hospital for Covid"
Much of the point of the Herman Cain Award is that the award winners were mocking others for wearing masks, getting vaccinated, and socially distancing.
These anti-mask/anti-vax people have been absolutely prolific in physically assaulting (up to and including murdering) retail staff. Harassing and assaulting flight attendants, with record numbers of . Harassing school committee members and public health officials, such that meetings have had to go virtual or have police presence.
...and here we are clutching pearls because the stuff they posted publicly on social media is being reposted? And occasionally people are figuring out who they are and harassing the families?
It's worth noting that HCA posts regularly include follow-up social media posts by family members or friends expressing anger at the deceased's friends who continue espouse anti-mask/vax views, or who express regret, or encourage people to mask and vaccinate...and that from reading the sub for months, I often see a lot of comments from people empathizing with the family members and friends of the deceased.