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> I've read the comment an the context. It says "that person is wrong, only my opinion on what Apple does its right"

Where does it say that? I'll repeat the context right here:

"> Right now, in this very thread I see no such discussion."

The context is that I was pointing out that there is a discussion about what you claimed there was no discussion about. Nowhere did I say that I'm right and they're wrong (though it remains the case that none of my points have been refuted).

> applications which have location tracking disabled can use location tracking information from another Google application

Google does this on iOS as well. In respect to what information applications can share on the server, there is no difference between iOS and Android. The privacy differences that do exist between the platforms are the ones I listed, where iOS does a lot of data collection that cannot be disabled, while Android has no such problem.

> HN poster: see, they are the same.

A user who cares about security only cares about which device provides usable security. None of the Apple devices do. All the Pixels that are receiving security updates do. The choice for a user who cares about security isn't between some five year old iOS devices that provide limited security and other five year old Android devices that provide limited security (worse system updates but better application updates) but between any iOS device (including recent ones) that provide limited security and recent Pixel devices that provide superior security. How long they continue to receive system updates (or application updates) beyond replacement time is meaningless.

> I mean, your approach to argument is "I'm right just because I say is right",

I provided reasons why the battery excuse doesn't make sense. Why do you keep pretending I haven't given any reasons?

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