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> Nobody would miss these chains if they disappeared, just like nobody misses the previous wave of "eth killers" (eos, neo, tezos, lisk, etc).

I used to believe this, but despite the inferiority of these chains I no longer think this is the case. I think NFTs are the use case a lot of Crypto was looking for, and there are now a significant number of people making their living via NFTs on chains like Solana & Tezos. The volume from their activity alone (not to mention defi) I think is enough to sustain appetite towards developing these chains in a direction for the better. Wether or not that will happen remains to be seen, but certainly plenty of folks would miss these chains if they went belly up.

> NFTs are the use case a lot of Crypto was looking for

I have a hard time taking this sentiment seriously.. NFTs seem like vaporware. Their demonstration of ownership is unenforceable on chain nor off chain.

I'm sure we can discuss this at length... but regardless of how you view NFTs as a representation of ownership, my main point is that enough people use the NFT ecosystem on these chains to the point that it gives these chains importance.

NFT art is a scam,

NFT as a governance token solution HEAVILY needs decentralisation and trust onchain to fullfill its usecase.

Solana, Bnb etc are tbh a joke, most validator nodes are under one team’s control, why call it a cryptocurrency when your “blockchain” is essentially under control of one team.

I get your point, a ton of money is being made with nft art , etc on those chains, but its mostly snakeoil salesman stuff.

Eth atleast has real potential to be something more then that. Idc if it takes 10 years, might as well wait and do it the right way.

> I think is enough to sustain appetite towards developing these chains in a direction for the better

They don't have the culture needed.

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