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They have rather clear guidelines on names:

> adding that the agency’s “best practices for naming disease suggest avoiding `causing offence to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional or ethnic groups.”’

The list does not include brands.

Also, there are different measures of confusion: "Nu" being confused with "new" is on a phonetic level and could make actual communication difficult. "Delta (the virus)" vs "Delta (the airline)" is semantic confusion and most people are quite capable of distinguishing those unless they deliberately want to be confused.

> "Delta (the virus)" vs "Delta (the airline)" is semantic confusion and most people are quite capable of distinguishing those unless they deliberately want to be confused.

While I agree, it still boggles my mind how the Corona beer (and other Coronas, like the game SDK) have been stigmatized just by sharing the same name.

What’s a professional group then?

I don't know their exact definition, but I'd assume something like all members of an occupation - e.g., a name like "pilot's disease" would probably fall into the banlist.

I mean the whole pandemic is dubbed the "Coronavirus pandemic" - and while that's not an officially designated term, the WHO frequently uses it.

If they had had any consideration for Corona the beer brand, they'd probably have made that known.

> If they had had any consideration for Corona the beer brand

They've recently performed well above average, apparently.

> I don't know their exact definition

So it is not clear contrary to your previous comment.

Because I didn't bother to look it up. (And neither did you apparently)

You can read the exact guidelines here: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/163636/WHO_...

In particular, they say:

Disease names may NOT include: [...]

- People's names [...]

- Cultural, population, industry or occupational references. Examples: Occupational, legionnaires, miners, butchers, cooks, nurses

What it again does not mention is brands.

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