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This is the most out of touch thing I’ve read on HN in a while. When did we start talking about whether couples bringing in $400k/year could retire at age 50. You are clearly an outlier, even when compared to software engineers in the states, let alone Europe.

I know it's an outlier because a few years ago I was making $85k in Houston as recently as 2019. I studied whiteboarding and moved. Now I'm a FAANG engineer.

Careful predicting the rest of your life based on 2 years of the best success you’ve ever experienced. Something similar happened to me 5 years ago and I’m operating on the assumption the crazy pay can disappear at any time. If you luck into a way to suddenly retire in 5 years, always assume there’s someone standing behind you willing to do it for less. Many money faucets eventually turn off.

The beauty of saving that much is I don't depend on it.

I have yet to save as much as I theoretically should be able to. Good luck, sincerely.

Edit: and you still have yet to demonstrate that your income will last for the next 5 years, let alone 15. Don’t count your chickens yet.

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