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Other anarchists have been talking about this issue specifically. A interesting example would be David Graeber[0]. His books Debt and especially Bullshit Jobs were discussed on HN quite a bit.

Many of us in software and tech in general understand what he was saying on some level, some even make a huge buck out of it by cutting away the cleric and managerial work. We haven't figured this out completely but the general drive I observe from people who think deeply about process and information is that we tend to be allergic against bureaucracy and the thing we call accidental complexity.

If you look at this things through the lens of a radical, then you might come to the conclusion that the underlying problem is systemic. We have a economic system that is optimized for growth and competition, while most of our big challenges today require maintenance and collaboration. And we have a political system that is rigid, bureaucratic and often violent, when people long for self-determination and peace.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Graeber

Yeah, I'm a big fan of his. Bullshit Jobs kinda changed me, honestly.

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