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I like alcohol despite all its flaws, but it's hard to argue that it's doing an immense amount of damage even to those who don't drink it at all.

Behavior shouldn’t be projected on others.

If someone in your life is negatively affecting you consider changing who’s in your life.

We are only responsible for ourselves.

Except children are a thing, and they both can't easily change who's in their lives and their parents are also responsible for them.

I can’t take that argument seriously. “Think of the children” is a dead horse.

Parents can also abuse emotions, marijuana, etc. Haven’t seen anyone advocating to curb marijuana here yet.

The fact that you can’t understand the argument that alcohol and drug abuse can have serious impact on children means that you have serious blind spots in your life.

I choose not to, as I don’t believe it makes sense.

> Haven’t seen anyone advocating to curb marijuana here yet.

You don't think a drug that's illegal in large parts of the world and for which legalization is a highly controversial topic is curbed?

Also, the parent comment clearly took children as an example of people who's live can be drastically worsened by someone else consuming alcohol. Drivers and and passerbys endangered by drunk drivers would be another good example.

Drunk driving kills 10k/year in the US.

> If someone in your life is negatively affecting you consider changing who’s in your life.

Great idea! Now how do I get drunk people off of the roads?

> We are only responsible for ourselves.

Not when your actions have consequences, which they do. Violence following alcohol abuse, or loss of family members due to alcohol abuse, is a thing.

Atomized Individuals Propaganda without any love or attachment to others.

I know its the state/corpos wish that we are all interchangeable people-toner easy to pack into cartridges, easy to produce, easy to consume, but some of us cling to the old ways and others.

Sorry. Clingy, sticky, nasty, humans. The new man, you want to go towards will surely not have this flaws. What a marvellous ideal sociopath that will be.

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