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I feel very similarly. I like longform essays -- reading them, and writing them -- as well as SSC-like blog posts. Most of that is too long for the typical internet user. Also, I too hate the feeling of my writing contributing to my internet addiction by causing me to be hyper-attuned to online performance indicators.

I don't have an internet-based solution for you, short of trying to get your stuff published in publications. They say that building an online audience is hard, and the best time to start was five years ago.

This being said, my favorite solution and suggestion is to join a local writer's workshop if you haven't already. Many workshops concentrate on fiction, but there is a growing interest in "creative non-fiction" as well. That's where I've found a decent level of discussion about both the content and form of my writing. A second suggestion would be to take a non-fiction writing class through a local university extension. I've gotten a ton out of doing that; there are few things like a small community of supportive writers and readers.

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