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A lot of old 90's "hacks" are still commonplace in current email design. Thanks to Outlook's reliance on a brain dead MS Word-based rendering system rather than using actual modern HTML5.

And since Outlook is still the standard for email clients in the workplace, all other systems are impacted as well.

It's interesting to see modern day developers struggle with email design and turn to folks like us :D

Ironically Gmail's web based email client also renders the HTML bad. I guess they emulate what Outlook is doing.

Honestly, at this point we should classify "Email HTML" as a different subspecies than regular ol' Web HTML. They evolved from a common ancestor, sure, but Email HTML is like some sort of flightless bird on a remote Pacific island: it kinda just... stopped.

Gmail and Outlook basically define "Email HTML".

I came here to say the same thing. We use mjml to abstract away all this nonsense for us. Great library.


Thank you, will check it out.

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