If your light shines on your neighbor and he uses it to read and you asked him if he wants to participate in the costs of maintaining the light, but he doesn't want to, is it moral to cover the light so it doesn't shine on your neighbor if you have no other reason for doing that?
Sure, because the point is not to deprive them of light, but to collect payment for it. Is it moral for media companies to paywall content when it could be distributed for free?
The lamp is a trivial example but you can apply this to many things.
But they will not pay for it. They don't want to pay for it. They have no intention in paying for it.
Why is it moral then? When you deprive someone of something that costs you nothing and this someone will not buy it from you under no circumstances because he's not able or willing?
Because if you give it away for free, you devalue the service on the market. So that person may not pay, but someone else will. But if the actual buyer sees someone else getting it for free, they will not be inclined to pay for it either.
So I guess it depends on your motive and the circumstance. If you are doing it purely to negatively affect the other person, it's not a very kindhearted thing to do. If you are doing it to preserve the market value of your service so that you can collect a payment, that is fine.