I suffered a really bad motorcycle accident on Dec 2020 with fractures on both wrists, one arm, one shoulder and L4 vertebrae. Had to get arm and backbone stabilization surgeries and almost two months hospitalization plus rehabilitation. Total cost: zero. I later paid just a few dozen € to get the full medical documentation, tests results, etc. plus all the DVDs with the imaging, but that was my choice. I have neither insurance nor a job; if it wasn't for our healthcare, I really don't know what would have happened to me.
Actually I paid for it in advance with my taxes during my past jobs, and that's the whole point of universal healthcare: it's an investment for those who one day will need it, and a form of contribution for everyone else. Frankly I have never understood those who oppose it; are they so anally retentive wrt their money that they can't renounce to a fraction of their income to help others, and potentially themselves too?
Actually I paid for it in advance with my taxes during my past jobs, and that's the whole point of universal healthcare: it's an investment for those who one day will need it, and a form of contribution for everyone else. Frankly I have never understood those who oppose it; are they so anally retentive wrt their money that they can't renounce to a fraction of their income to help others, and potentially themselves too?