Nine years ago I decided to use plain old PHP and MySQL to build a self-hosted analytics platform[0], and to this date I still think this was the best decision I could make. Even though nowadays cloud, Docker, Golang, Node.js, Kubernetes are all the rage, most of the websites and hosting providers are still running on PHP/MySQL, which means running the platform can be done on the same server and customers can try it without having to learn to deploy to the "cloud".
Not only this, but PHP/MySQL is such a reproductible stack, if the code is properly written you can run the same app on tens of different server configurations (Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, various versions of MySQL and PHP) without having to change anything.
Not only this, but PHP/MySQL is such a reproductible stack, if the code is properly written you can run the same app on tens of different server configurations (Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, various versions of MySQL and PHP) without having to change anything.