Skepticism pursued in a manner that overly impacts others is morally wrong.
If someone doesn't want to be vaccinated -- refuse vaccination and deal with the consequences.
Don't request (to use my example, not the OP) 100s of pages that you have no intention of reading, the production of which consumes valuable resources during a public health crisis.
I wasn't opining on the motive of the submitters of this FOIA request. I was saying "This is an unexpected thing I have seen first-hand from other parties. I think it's disingenuous. And it makes me suspicious of large document requests related to vaccine minutiae."
The reasonable outcome, if the purported goals are true, would probably be to scope the FOIA request down to a summary of materials available, and then work with the relevant departments to filter out extraneous records that the requestors don't see as valuable.
If someone doesn't want to be vaccinated -- refuse vaccination and deal with the consequences.
Don't request (to use my example, not the OP) 100s of pages that you have no intention of reading, the production of which consumes valuable resources during a public health crisis.