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Does this work well with image files? (PNG, JPEG, etc)

Author here, it works particularly well for our presented use case because it has these properties:

* There are many files,

* Most of them don't change very often,

* When they do change, the deltas of the binaries are not huge.

So, if the image files aren't changing very much, then it might work well for you. If the images are changing, their binary deltas would be quite large, so you'd get a compression ratio somewhat equivalent to if you'd concatenated the two revisions of the file and compressed them using ZStandard.

Please add these points under a usecase heading in your README.

Done, hopefully this is clearer. Please let us know if you see a way to improve it further: https://github.com/elfshaker/elfshaker/pull/60

Ahhh that’s the key insight I have been missing, and that should be higher somewhere.


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