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Threader Has Joined Twitter (threader.app)
4 points by Qub3d on Nov 15, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Another one for the "OurIncredibleJourney" tumblr[0]. I liked the format of this service better than the ThreadReaderApp competition, but this one required pinging a bot to get a thread, whereas ThreadReaderApp can just parse a thread directly from the URL.

It looks like this was mostly a move from Twitter to reduce competition to their new Twitter Blue product.


> TL;DR: As part of the acquisition, Threader will shut down in 30 days ... beautiful thread reading is just one of the many premium features we think you’ll enjoy.

that was fast! I thought that normally, before you turn your free features into paid features, it is customary to pretend for a while that "nothing will change" and "we still care about our values"?

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