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Haha Ive been advocating for something similar! And by advocating, I mean saving what people say and bringing it up to them months later for public shaming, to reveal how idiotic their influences are. Because right now everyone is just part of a gradient in a void, indistinguishable from the last person that said something similar to them.

I personally think that shaming is mostly counterproductive. For it to be the right move, you have to 1) know you are 100% correct, and 2) have a pressing need to alter the persons behavior/understanding, and 3) know that shaming is the most effective way to achieve the result.

Without those 3 things, I think there is a good chance that you're just antagonizing someone for little benefit to you or them.

It is applicable here as many of the conspiracies are time constrained, but by the time the event doesn't occur the person susceptible to believing that stuff is already being led on to the next variant without even noticing what happened with the last thing

Doing a callback without offering any opinion or arguments helps them introspect about how incongruent their world is with reality.

“<person that died while with covid> was still doing research?”

“The last president didn’t get reinstated?”

“I like hooking up with antivaxxers because you only have to pay child support for 5 years instead of 18. the mom/baby will still be doing research(tm)”

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