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PAC P-750XL Is unpressurized so is able to significantly lower the dry mass per passenger. I noticed this difference while researching the different dry mass numbers. The low speed unpressurized utility aircraft like the P-750XL ARE able to get lower per passenger mass, but the experience is not comparable as they are unpressurized. Among pressurized jet aircraft, the larger jets do universally better per passenger than the smaller.

The real key to making electric aircraft feasible is to increase the efficiency dramatically. (Also, jets don’t have >60% thermal efficiency if you use the HHV of the fuel.) just a swap out of the fuel for battery gets you to a few hundred miles of range at best. Enough maybe to compete with the California HSR, but not much more.

It’s like how a Tesla Model S is not a battery swapped sedan. It’s a custom clean sheet design. That’s why you can get 400 miles of range in it instead of just 150 miles.

Likewise, you need a clean sheet battery electric aircraft design. That’s why the Eviation Alice is able to get significant range. Incorporate 777x-like folding wingtips and possible truss braced high aspect ratio wings, natural laminar flow like sailplanes, you could increase L/D to about double current aircraft. Things like that allow 1000 mile range. Substantial enough for short haul trips, which are about half of all passenger miles.

If you're actually trying to scale aircraft up and down, you can do the math and figure out that a scaled down aircraft will be slower. It's a perfect comparison.

A Tesla Model S doesn't have any more weight efficiency than a battery swapped sedan. It's just as heavy as a battery swapped sedan, it's just built to handle the weight better.

The main factor in the Alice having a lower L/D is flying at less than half the airspeed and thus drastically reducing parasitic drag. There are no easy gimmes. You're going to have to sacrifice range and speed.

So far electric airplanes are somewhat worse than piston aircraft. They will never rival jets until we drastically increase energy density.

The turbine efficiency of modern turbojets is actually around 60% and there are turbines with more than that. The overall efficiency is actually lower because of propulsive inefficiency, but electric aircraft have that exact same problem.

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