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> Try taking 1000km trip on a diesel bus once and tell me if that metric matters to anyone.

I did some such trips. Never bothered asking if it was diesel or petrol but whatever. Don't see much difference from a car (in fact it's more convenient than a car cause there's more space).

Guess you never used electric bus?

I’m tall so I prefer to be squeezed for 1 hour instead of 14 hours.

I'm using electric buses every week but they are driving inside my city, never seen them used between cities nevermind countries - it wouldn't make sense cause of small range. Also inside they were exactly the same as normal buses so I don't understand what you wanted to say.

> I’m tall so I prefer to be squeezed for 1 hour instead of 14 hours.

Add 2 hours of standing in queues without your shoes, but yes, planes are faster. I was talking bus vs car though.

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