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You can guarantee that if you make any comment about TfL on here, you will be dogpiled by all the Londoners explaining how their lavish subsidies are actually justified. Every. Single. Time.

I covered most of what you replied to in my answer.

> Londoners explaining how their lavish subsidies are actually justified.

What subsidies? Please be explicit. London contributes £36b more each year to public purse than it receives in public spending [1]. I’m not sure how a net £36b fiscal contribution to to the tax pot can be considered a subsidy, unless your saying it’s unfair that London subsidies the rest of the U.K. to the tune of £36b a year.

I would also point out that Londons contribution to rest of the U.K. has grown £10b over the last 4 years. So London is receiving even less for its tax pounds than ever before.

[1] https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/governmentpublicsectorandtaxe...

> I covered most of what you replied to in my answer.

I can’t see how that true. I pointed out that a number of things you said were either untrue or misleading.

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