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To be honest, I can’t say that this has been an issue for me on the Framework with Wayland and GNOME. Or at least I haven’t noticed it. My external monitor is 3840x2160, not HiDPI so maybe the issue is with multiple HiDPI displays of varying pixel density? I’m also using 1x scaling on both displays which perhaps simplifies things.

> I’m also using 1x scaling on both displays which perhaps simplifies things.

I'm sorry if I sound snarky but this right here is the problem. Using a display at 1x scaling which needs at least ~1.5x scaling for text and images to be legible isn't really feasible so I expect you've scaled just the font size instead?

If yes, you've basically chosen to compromise because all GUI apps will look out of place and odd with buttons and icons still at 1x. If you've neither scaled your display nor your font size, your eyes are exceptionally good to be able to read tiny fonts but most people don't have such eyes.

I've been told by people that they don't use GUI apps and just use the terminal but if that's the case, they should point out this caveat about their workflow being unique when singing praises about Framework laptop so that others don't get misleaded into a buying a laptop with a display that's basically broken.

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