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> We could honestly skip these checks for no-risk travelers.

How to decide who is a "no-risk traveler" and how do you identify them?

Maybe by looking at historical data?

Does Europe not offer a Pre-check type program? In the US, travelers can pay a fee and pass a background check to go through a shorter and less rigorous security check at the airport. My local airport is pretty efficient either way, but it probably saves me 15-30 minutes on my departure time.

My fastest check-in was in Phoenix. I think it took me 11 minutes from curbside drop-off to sitting in my seat at the gate, including dropping off a checked bag (Southwest Airlines). I don't think I ever stopped moving forward from the moment the machine printed my bag tag until I hit my gate. This was pre-Covid too, so the airport was somewhat busy.

> Does Europe not offer a Pre-check type program?

I'm not aware on any European wide unified airport security structure. The closest to that would probably something EU related [0], but I couldn't find anything related to "pre check" type programs being a thing.

My personal international airtravel experience, living in Germany, has been rather limited in the last decade; I flew on vacation to Turkey for a few weeks. There was pretty much zero security theater.

The biggest time waste was the slowness of everything, waiting in lines for luggage, pass/ID clearance, traversing the long distances across the different airport wings, really long time window for boarding.

Apparently the same airport also offers an "evening before pre-check in", but the website for that seems to have become another pandemic victim. It seems to be the biggest thing that skips is luggage check in and formalities/getting boarding pass, by allowing passengers to do that the evening before.

[0] https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/security-and-em...

Many suicide bombers have an excellent prior travel record.

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