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Totally agree. All these reviews are conveniently ignoring this. Some of them I’ve seen even just left it at 2x scaling and did the whole video with a giant cartoonish UI that had no actual usable space.

For Linux users this display needs to be either 1500x1000 or 3000x2000.

> Some of them I’ve seen even just left it at 2x scaling and did the whole video with a giant cartoonish UI that had no actual usable space.

Either that or they keep it at 1x scaling and just scale the fonts instead which is a pretty degraded and compromising experience if you use GUI apps and not just the terminal.

But this is conveniently omitted when singing praises about Framework. The laptop has a broken display that'll give you nothing but headache if you enable fractional scaling and if you disable it, you're compromising after spending potentially thousands of dollars.

> Either that or they keep it at 1x scaling and just scale the fonts instead which is a pretty degraded and compromising experience if you use GUI apps and not just the terminal.

Is it? Because this is exactly what I do on mine (w/ GNOME + PaperWM) and it's fantastic having so much space. I don't even scale the fonts, either.

> Is it? Because this is exactly what I do on mine (w/ GNOME + PaperWM) and it's fantastic having so much space. I don't even scale the fonts, either.

Good for you I guess. I, for one, can't read text at size 6 or 8 and I know most people can't either. The only case where this might make sense is if you're using your display to watch movies and play games and have minimal or no involvement with text.

Even if it does work for you, I think it should obvious that most people can't use their laptops/desktops like this and anyone who sings praises for a laptop like Framework should mention the flaws as well.

Maybe I'm weird, but the 2x scaling on my Framework looks fine to me; not cartoonish. Xfce requires a few manual settings to get it right (which did frustrate me for the first week), while GNOME and Cinnamon appear to handle it well by default.

2x scaling on a display that needs 1.5x scaling would look cartoonish. Every GUI element — titlebars, headers, icons, menus etc would be bigger than they should be.

You could scale down the fonts to make the text bearable and not look like it was written for advertisement banners but then you've basically got a weird and broken setup that would be impossible to use with an external monitor or any other display.

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