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Not to diminish the accomplishments shown there, but that plane seats maybe a dozen people? Most airliners can seat 100+, and their range is sometimes an order of magnitude higher than that. The problem is that batteries are significantly less energy dense than jet fuel, both by weight and by volume. To reach capacities and ranges of modern airliners you'd need batteries that are much more dense, compact, and light, and afaik there's nothing even close to the improvements needed right now.

Wrong about capacity but correct about range.

I have no idea why people keep thinking that batteries would work worse for 100 seats rather than nine seats. The technology is independent of scale except in the trivial sense that you need proportionally more battery and cost since you’re 10 times larger. True the range is less, but we have built jets that can go 40,000km. We don’t need that much range to do short flights, comparable in length to the California HSR project. Existing battery technology is more than sufficient for that.

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