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> The train takes ~14h.

You probably hit over night travel. If you leave early enough the time goes down to ~9 hours.

> You tie up the machine and staff for 7X longer,

You also cover over a dozen stops in one trip instead of two.

> and need safely maintained local infrastructure every meter of the journey.

The German rail infrastructure is so outdated that it probably is at least partly responsible for the last big train crash (no automatic lockout).

The last big airplane crashes on the other hand were caused by much needed efficiency upgrades that forced Boeing into using engines that were way too large for the half a century old frame they needed to remain compatible with on paper.

> The German rail infrastructure is so outdated ...

If DB updates infrastructure, that's on their budget (and while 100% publicly held and lots of politicians involved, it's nominally private). If it breaks down so much that it needs to be repeated, that's coming from federal funds. We have some perverse incentives in infrastructure maintenance.

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