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P2P live video.

That's already a real thing and it doesn't require any higher bandwidth than even conventional cable/dsl provides.

What if you want to steam high quality P2P video ( ≥720p )?

x264, 10mbps or less, there's no need for 100mbps or more for such things.

what if you have a video conference with 8 participants each at 720p?

For some reason this comment put thoughts into my head of people having multiple large screens positioned around their house instead of windows.

You could have beautiful HD panoramic views from around the world in your cheap wall-facing apartment. Of course the technology would need to come down in price but we all know how quickly that tends to happen.

veetle.com does a really good job at this. I have a six year old media center box that doesn't run anything that well besides veetle and 1080p at that.

As per below here, 5ms ping [rather than 1Gig down] seems to be the central focus of this kind of optic social venture.

It provides some insights on where BigG sees some future here.

These are apparently times where synchronicity vs. asynchronicity begins possibly to be a way hotter topic than definition vs. pixelation.

There is all the space to ponderate for a while on this as a social index: who would have said that only 3 years ago?

I wouldn't.

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