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Sounds reasonable. But why would anybody even need a store then?

The "store" is in some sense a package manager and installation queue application; it still can provide value even without discovery... if nothing else, for paid products, it provides a convenient way for users to purchase the product with stored credentials and then an account mechanism to do license transfer to new devices (which is the reason why most developers used my payment system and most users wanted them to, even though I didn't force anyone to do so: I solved these problems well, which added value, particularly for the smaller development efforts that don't have the resources to pull that work in house to decrease their fee).

> But why would anybody even need a store then?

How else would Apple and Google tax the entire mobile software market? Getting a cut of all sales in the mobile market is a dream come true.

Nevertheless, besides these (discovery and taxation), what is any value app stores are supposed to add?

Checking for malware. ...In theory.

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