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It's seriously embarrassing and terrible. Anybody who uploads a $4.99 "Firefox user guide" to the Microsoft Store should be banned for life before the app even hits prod. Microsoft should require a sufficient barrier to entry so these "developers" can be proactively identified and expelled before they have an opportunity to clog the Store with their detritus.

App store cruft like this is one of the most mind-numbingly frustrating things and I tend to avoid mainstream app stores altogether because of it. There's just too many people in one place, and too many parasitic bad actors sucking the lifeblood out of everybody they can reach.

The worst part is that an app store has the potential to be such a boon for a platform. But these people ruin it. Tragedy of the commons at work, even though it's a company's walled garden and isn't the commons at all! How could they let this happen?!

"Guides" aren't even the worst of it. The Microsoft Store has some apps which are outright squatting on the names and logos of real applications, like "Reader for Reading Kindle Ebooks" [1] or "Meeting using Google Meet" [2]. While I haven't investigated, I'm pretty sure they're literally just frames for web apps.

[1]: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/reader-for-reading-kindle-...

[2]: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/meeting-using-google-meet/...

There is also cases of people uploading unofficial distributions of open source software (not even forked) and charging money for it

https://www.qbittorrent.org/news.php (ctrl-f: windows store)

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