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It's not a bad choice at all.

I got the macbook air cheaply (basically for free) and I like the device. A passively cooled notebook with good power, display, HID. I have nothing against that and Apple built a decent product.

That said, for me this has little to do with the future of software and hardware innovation. In that regard it is a toy and is quickly delegated as such by other systems I use that tend to be more free and more powerful, just by the merit of giving me choice. Perhaps rougher around some edges than a stylized Apple product, sure. But anyway, this thread should not be about that.

But when I got the macbook, I was very aware that there will be hiccups in compatibility. I use non-native Blender and the performance is amazing considering that I use it with help of Rosetta on a passively cooled notebook. There might be a native implementation by now, but I would never presume to demand a project to accommodate my personal choice of processor architecture, even if someone already supplied a fix. Perhaps they just didn't have time to look at it or already had a solution under development and therefore closed a PR. I also think they don't owe any explanations. They probably close just as many PR for their projects without comment. To see it as an affront to the "developer community" is just a bit much.

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