I would prefer that Contacts where not an API and just a user created/chosen web app. Why is there a need for a Contact API?
On a separate note, should someone be starting up a OMA push proxy for SSE? I have a feeling that between Chrome getting an Android port, the Moz/Chrome WebRTC and Moz's Web APIs, that Server Side Events are going to become "a thing" and OMA push proxy would be a useful service.
But how does a system level Contacts API make any sense when Web Intents and any-old-body's webapp exists?
I guess I may be thinking about it incorrectly. If this is for web apps to implement a common standard of functionality across Contact "apps", then this makes sense. Otherwise, why are we falling back to "native" when it comes to Contacts, especially when modern contacts exist as part of an online profile - Google Contacts, Facebook Friends and Twitter accounts I follow compose my entire "Contact List".
You're forgetting SIM cards which contain contact information. People want to be able to start their phone app and have contacts already there. Then they can link to Google or Yahoo or whatever else to import more.
Also remember that this isn't just part of B2G. This is functionality that will be rolled into Fennec. So when you open your contacts web app in Fennec on Android you should have the same contacts that the native contacts app has.
Exactly. The point of the Contacts API isn't to replace existing contacts web apps, it is to make them better by giving them access to native contacts (and potentially other contacts sources).
On a separate note, should someone be starting up a OMA push proxy for SSE? I have a feeling that between Chrome getting an Android port, the Moz/Chrome WebRTC and Moz's Web APIs, that Server Side Events are going to become "a thing" and OMA push proxy would be a useful service.